The concept of transparency is the characterizing principle of the Farina company, embodied in the “Farina Transparency” project. If in the past, in the farming world, transparency could be defined even by just a handshake, today in the wine sector it is important to be clear in declaring the origin of the grapes and who produces them. “Farina Transparency” has precisely this objective: to make the systematic documentation of each phase of production available to the public, from the vineyards to the communication and marketing of the wines of the winery.

The Farina company launched the “Farina Transparency” project in 2018. The intention was not a marketing ploy to follow market trends that require companies to become clear and authentic in their positioning and communication. The company has always had a penchant to describe itself for what it actually is, without half-truths or embellishments. This decidedly courageous project aims to demonstrate transparency in all stages of production, from the grape transformation processes to marketing activities. A "transparency" not only of the products, but also and above all of the people who contribute with their work to the creation, communication and marketing of Farina wines. Even the renovation of the winery reflects the principles of transparency: wooden doors and stone walls have been replaced with glass. The addition of the glass cube in the courtyard at the heart of the winery is the ultimate expression of the company’s philosophy.

The Farina community

From an operational point of view, the Transparency project requires that suppliers, importers and collaborators be "profiled" and "monitorable". The data is published on the website. Anyone can access information about the winegrowers, employees, importers and consultancies. Detailed information about the winegrowers include: family name, company photos, history, description of the vineyard’s area, surface, altitude, farming system, vines, exposure, and soil composition. The database is updated periodically. The visual repertoire presents the stages of maturation and management of the vineyard, and interviews with the vignerons.