Sustainability is central to the company’s strategy. This clear stance on the environmental and social impact of its business has also prompted the Farina company to make new choices and launch initiatives aimed at ensuring sustainable standards for its production and consumers. Modernized production technologies in the cellar have sustainable benefits.

In the vineyard:

  • no chemical weeding is practiced in any of the vineyards, both owned and worked by the vinedressers-conferers
  • the eco-sustainable practice of the so-called "sexual confusion" was implemented in all the vineyards, to limit the use of pesticides.
  • the “Simonit & Sirch” pruning system is used to limit yields and prolong the productivity and health of the vines.
  • a cultivation philosophy of "intelligent viticulture" is followed, which translates into minimal interventions and which limit the accumulation of heavy metals in the soil.

Modernized production technologies in the cellar have sustainable benefits. Today the Farina company is at the forefront in Valpolicella in every aspect of winemaking, in particular for:

  • the elimination of the use of chemical detergents thanks to the direct supply of hot water and steam for the sanitization of all the cellar equipment, with the consequent considerable saving of cubic meters of water used.
  • an electronic panel allows the energy consumption monitoring of the company's refrigeration system to be monitored.
  • photovoltaic panels cover the 80% of consumption sustained during bottling.
  • an automated air conditioning system in the drying lofts is able to keep the internal and external temperature and humidity under control, favoring natural ventilation and guaranteeing greater electricity savings.